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・Okamoto, E., H. V. Mai, A. Ishimatsu and M. Tanaka (2018) Modification of pectoral fins occurs during the larva-to-juvenile transition in the mudskipper (Periophthalmus modestus). Zoological Letters 4, 23

Ishimatsu, A., H. V. Mai and K. Martin (2018) Patterns of fish reproduction at the interface between air and water. Integr. Comp. Biol. Doi:10.1093/icb/icy108

・Yokouchi, K., H. V. Mai, T. T. Vo, R. Wakiya, T. Kawakami, C. Tanaka, T. Yoshinaga, M. Wada, D. D. Tran, H. P. Ha, T. Takita and A. Ishimatsu (2018) Early life history of oxudercine goby Pseudapocryptes elongatus in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. J. Mar. Biol. Assoc. U. K. 98, 597-604. DOI:  

・Ishimatsu, A. (2017) Respiratory and circulatory adaptations. In: Fishes Out of Water: Biology and Ecology of Mudskippers, eds. E. O. Murdy and Z. Jaafar, CRC Press (111-135).

・Martin, K. L. and A. Ishimatsu (2017) Review of reproductive strategies. In: Fishes Out of Water: Biology and Ecology of Mudskippers, eds. E. O. Murdy and Z. Jaafar, CRC Press (209-235).

Zaccone, G., E. R. Lauriano, M. Kuciel, G. Capillo, S. Pergolizzi, A. Alesci, A. Ishimatsu, Y. K. Ip and J. M. Icardo (2017) Identification and distribution of neuronal nitric oxide synthase and neurochemical markers in the neuroepithelial cells of the gill and the skin in the giant mudskipper, Periophthalmodon schlosseri. Zoology (accepted on Apr 21, 2017).

Wada, M., F. Mori, K. Yokouchi, M. Yagi, T. Takita, A. Ishimatsu, M. Iwataki, H. V. Mai, T. T. Vo, P. H. Hung and D. D. Tran (2016) Comparison of planktonic microbial abundance and dissolved oxygen consumption between the aquaculture ponds of mudskippers and shrimps in the Mekong Delta, Southern Vietnam. Fish. Sci., 82, 787-797.

田北 徹・石松 惇(2015) 『水から出た魚たち』、海游舎、東京、168p.

​・Zhang, J., T. Takita, A. Muchtar, C. Chen and A. Ishimatsu (2015) Mitochondrial genome of Boleophthalmus sp. nov. (Osteichthyes: Gobiidae). Mitochondrial DNA, 17A, 3381-3382. DOI: 10.3109/19401736.2015.1018230.

・Toba, A. and A. Ishimatsu (2014) Roles of air stored in burrows of the mudskipper, Boleophthalmus pectinirostris for adult respiration and embryonic development. J. Fish Biol., 84: 774-793.
・Itoki, N., T. Sakamoto, M. Hayashi, T. Takeda and A. Ishimatsu (2012) Morphological responses of mitochondria-rich cells to hypersaline environment in the Australian mudskipper, Periophthalmus minutus. Zool.
Sci. 29: 444-449.
・Ishimatsu, A. (2012) Evolution of cardiorespiratory system in air-breathing fishes. Aqua-BioScience Monograph. 5: 1-28.
・Lee, J.-A., J.-W. Kim, S.-Y. Oh, S.-K. Yi, I. Noh, A. Ishimatsu and W.-S. Kim (2012) Effect of low dissolved oxygen on the oxygen consumption rate and the rhythm of the mudskipper Scartelaos gigas (Pisces, Gobiidae). Fish. Sci. 78: 1013-1022.
・Takeda, T., M. Hayashi, A. Toba, K. Soyano and A. Ishimatsu (2011) Ecology of the Australian mudskipper Periophthalmus minutus, an amphibious fish inhabiting a mudflat in the highest intertidal zone. Austr. J. Zool. 59: 312-320.
・Gonzales, T. T., M. Katoh, M. A. Ghaffar and A. Ishimatsu (2011) Gross and fine anatomy of the respiratory asculature of the mudskipper, Periophthalmodon schlosseri (Gobiidae: Oxudercinae). Journal of Morphology., 272: 629-640.
・Ishimatsu, A. and T. T. Gonzales (2011) Mudskippers: front runners in the modern invasion of land. In: The Biology of Gobies, eds. R.A. Patzner, J.L. Van Tassell, M. Kovacic and B.G. Kapoor, Science Publisher, Enfield, pp.659-638.
・Ishimatsu, A. and J. B. Graham (2011) Roles of environmental cues for embryonic incubation and hatching in mudskippers. Int. Comp. Biol., 51: 38-48.
・Takita, T., H. Larson and A. Ishimatsu (2011) The natural history of mudskippers in northern Australia, with field identification characters. Beagle., 27: 189-204.
・Ishimatsu, A. (2011) Evolution of cardiorespiratory system in air-breathing fishes. Aqua-BioScience Monograph (Accepted on Oct. 3, 2011).
・Tang, W., A. Ishimatsu, C. Fu, W. Yin, G. Li, H. Chen, Q. Wu and B. Li (2010) Cryptic species and historical biogeography of eel govies (Gobioidei: Odontamblyopus) along the northwestern pacific coast. Zoolog. Sci., 27: 8-13.
・田北 徹・石松 惇(2009)「河口域に生きる特産ハゼ類」『干潟の海に生きる魚たち-有明海の豊かさと危機』(日本魚類学会自然保護委員会編). 東海大 学出 版会. pp.139-154.
・石松 惇(2009)「干潟に対する魚類の適応-海と陸のはざまに生きる-」海洋生命系のダイナミクスシリーズ第5巻『海と生命-「海の生命観」を求めて』. 東海 大学出版会. 201-217.
・Ishimatsu, A., T. Takeda, Y. Tsuhako, T. T. Gonzales and K. H. Khoo (2009) Direct evidence for aerial egg deposition in theburrows of the Malaysian mudskipper, Periophthalmodon schlosseri. Ichthyol.Res., 56: 417-420.
・Gonzales, T. T., M. Katoh and A. Ishimatsu (2008) Intertidal burrows of the air-breathing ell goby, Odontamblyopus lacepedii (Gobiidae: Amblyopinae). Ichthyol. Res., 55: 303-306.
・Gonzales, T. T., M. Katoh and A. Ishimatsu (2008) Respiratory vasculatures of the intertidal air-breathing eel goby, Odontamblyopus lacepedii (Gobiidae: Amblyopinae). Env. Biol. Fish., 82: 341-351.
・Ishimatsu, A., Y. Yoshida, N. Itoki, T. Takeda, H. J. Lee and J. B. Graham (2007) Mudskippers brood their eggs in air but submerge them for hatching. J. Exp. Biol., 210: 3946-3954.
・Etou, A., T. Takeda, Y. Yoshida and A. Ishimatsu (2007) Oxygen consumption during embryonic development of the mudskipper (Periophthalmus modestus): Implication for the aerial development in burrows. In: Fish Respiration and Environment, eds. M. N. Fernandes, F. T. Rantin, M. L. Glass and B. G. Kapoor, Science Publisher, Enfield, pp.83-91.
・Gonzales, T., M. Katoh and A. Ishimatsu (2006) Air breathing of aquatic burrow-dwelling eel goby, Odontamblyyopus lacepedii, (Gobiidae: Amblyopinae). J. Exp. Biol., 209: 1085-1092.
・竹垣 毅・藤井剛洋・石松 惇(2006)ムツゴロウ若齢個体の冬期生息環境と低温耐性.日本水産学会誌.72: 880-885.
・Tsuhako, Y., A. Ishimatsu, T. Takeda, Khoo K. H. and K. Tachihara (2003) The eggs and larvae of the giant mudskipper, Periophthalmodon schlosseri, collected from a mudflat in Penang, Malaysia. Ichthyol. Res., 50(2): 178-181.
・石松 惇・吉田 雄・糸岐 直子・鳥羽 敦史・竹田 達右 (2003)トビハゼ・ムツゴロウの卵保護と空気の利用.月刊海洋. 35: 222-226.
・Aguilar, N. M., A. Ishimatsu, K. Ogawa and Khoo K. H. (2000) Aerial ventilatory responses of the mudskipper, Periophthalmodon schlosseri, to altered aerial and aquatic respiratory gas concentrations. Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 127: 285-292.
・Ishimatsu, A., T. Takeda, T. Kanda, S. Oikawa and Khoo K. H. (2000) Burrow environment of mudskippers in Malaysia. J. Bioscience., 11 (1&2): 17-28.
・Takeda, T., A. Ishimatsu, S. Oikawa, T. Kanda, Y. Hishida and K. H. Khoo (1999) Mudskipper Periophthalmodon schlosseri can repay oxygen debts in air but not in water. J. Exp. Zool., 284 (3): 265-270.
・Ishimatsu, A., N. M. Aguilar, K. Ogawa, Y. Hishida, T. Takeda, S. Oikawa, T. Kanda and K. H. Khoo (1999) Arterial blood gas levels and cardiovasclar function during varying environmental conditions in a mudskipper, Periophthalmodon schlosseri. J. Exp. Biol., 202 (13): 1753-1762.
・Ishimatsu, A., Y. Hishida, T. Takita, T. Kanda, S. Oikawa, T. Takeda and K. H. Khoo (1998) Mudskippers store air in their burrows. Nature., 391: 237-238.
・Ishimatsu, A., K. H. Khoo and T. Takita (1998) Deposition of air in burrows of tropical mudskippers as an adaptation to the hypoxic mudflat environment. Science Progress., 81: 289-297.

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